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There are a couple of available controls in a theme.
You must always
- precise the x and y coordinates
- complete "src" with the localisation of the source .bmp file.
Other arguments are optional, e.g. width and align on text fields and the actions and triggers on buttons.

Button control. (new format since version 2.2)
src contains three button states: normal, highlighted, pressed.
The action defines what action to take when the button is pressed.
"visible" attribute can be added, so buttons can stay hidden until you decide to make them visible.
A button control that is hidden does not respond to mouse input, so the corresponding action is impossible.
If you specify activenotify="1", the bitmap should contain two bitmaps,
the first is shown when the window is inactive and the second when the window is active.
The 'trigger' attribute no longer means enable/disable the button. Instead it means 'force press' .
So if you specify a trigger and the trigger is true, the button will be pressed otherwise the button will behave normally.
Example :

<button x="156" y="37" src="buttons/STOP-BUTTON.bmp" action="emu-stop" visible="not emu-stopped"/>

Dual button control. (new format since version 2.2)
The button has two parts, the left is usually a dropdown menu and the right the most common menu item.
src contains four button states: normal, highlighted, left pressed, right pressed.
"visible" attribute can be added, so buttons can stay hidden until you decide to make them visible.
A button control that is hidden does not respond to mouse input, so the corresponding action is impossible.
If you specify activenotify="1", the bitmap should contain two bitmaps,
the first is shown when the window is inactive and the second when the window is active.
The location of the dropdown menu can be specified with "direction" attribute.
If the buttons are designed vertically, the dropdown menu will be located in the corresponding direction.
"arg1x/arg1y"&"arg2x/arg1y" attributes are for setting the location of the dropdown menu in x/y coordinates.
"arg" are for actions that concerns the menu. 1&2 stands for action1 & action2.

Example :

<dualbutton x="49" y="32" src="buttons/RESET-BUTTON.bmp" action1="emu-resethard" action2="menu-reset" arg2x="80" arg2y="50"/>

Bitmap image on which you can push the mouse button and drag the window.
If you specify activenotify="1", the bitmap should contain two bitmaps,
the first is shown when the window is inactive and the second when the window is active.

Example :

<dragimage x="0" y="0" activenotify="1" src="MixerTop.bmp"/>

key code
Keyboard key code. (introduced in version 2.2 )
you must precise the code of the concerned MSX keyboard key

Example :

<key code="underscore" x="228" y="84" width="17" height="17"/>

List of the different codes :

f1 - f2 - f3 - f4 - f5 - stop -cls - select - ins - del - esc
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 0 - neg - circomflex - backslash - backspace - tab
q - w - e - r - t - y - u - i - o - p - at - leftbracket - return - ctrl
a - s - d - f - g - h - j - k - l - semicolon - colon - rightbracket - leftshift
z - x - c - v - b - n - m - comma - period - div - underscore - rightshift
caps - graph - torikeshi - space - jikkou - code - pause
left - up - down - right
num7 - num8 - num9 - numdiv
num4 - num5 - num6 - nummul
num1 - num2 - num3 - numsub
num0 - numperiod - numcomma - numadd

Stateless bitmap image

Example :
<image x="30" y="20" src="bitmap.bmp"/>

Two state bitmap image on/off controlled by a trigger

Example :

<led x="30" y="552" src="DIGIBLUE.bmp" trigger="not emu-stopped"/>

Meter control.
The number of bars in the bitmap is set by "max" which can beat most 99.
src needs to contain "max" number of bitmaps.

Example :

<meter x="454" y="617" max="13" src="MIXER/METER-L.bmp" trigger="volume-master-left"/>

Slider control.
The number of pans in the bitmap is set by "max" which can beat most 99.
src needs to contain "max" number of bitmaps and how many columns are concerned for each pan.
The direction of the slider can be specified with "direction" attribute.
You can also specify his sensitivity

Example :

<slider x="71" y="58" src="SWITCHES/SLIDER-RENSHA.bmp" max="11" srcColumns="1" trigger="slider-rensha" action="slider-rensha"
direction="horizontal" sensitivity="3"/>

Text field.
The data is controlled by a trigger (only text- triggers)
src defines the font to use (only fixed size fonts supported at the moment)
"visible" attribute can be added, so texts can appear only when emulator is running or stops.
"align" attribute is for setting the alignment of the text and currently supporting right & left.

Example :

<text x="67" y="7" width="6" align="right" visible="emu-stopped" src="ICONS/FONT-SMALL.bmp" trigger="text-cpuusage"/>
<text x="67" y="7" width="6" align="right" visible="not emu-stopped" src="ICONS/FONT-SMALL.bmp" trigger="text-vramsize"/>

Toggle button control. (introduced in version 2.2 )
src contains two groups of three button states: normal, focused and pressed
when the button is in off state (3 first states) or in on state (3 last states).
The action defines what action to take when the button is pressed.
"visible" attribute can be added, so buttons can stay hidden until you decide to make them visible.
A button control that is hidden does not respond to mouse input, so the corresponding action is impossible.
If you specify activenotify="1", the bitmap should contain two bitmaps,
the first is shown when the window is inactive and the second when the window is active.
The 'trigger' attribute no longer means enable/disable the button. Instead it means 'force press' .
So if you specify a trigger and the trigger is true, the button will be pressed otherwise the button will behave normally.

Example :

<togglebutton x="63" y="11" src="video-block/vidout-button2.bmp" trigger="status-hstretch" action="switch-videohstretch"/>

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