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MSX-AUDIO is a music soundchip that contains 2 main elements :

- the YM-8950 YAMAHA OPL1 FM sound synthesizer with 9 channels of FM sound without drums or 6 channels of FM sound + FM drums;

- a 8-bit ADPCM (Advanced Differential Pulse Code Modulation) sample unit with 16kHz as maximum sampling rate and a 32 Kb sample RAM, that can be expanded to 256 Kb.

To hear MSX-AUDIO, the emulated MSX machine must include a MSX Audio chip or Y8950 (without addition of a rom). It's the case of all generic MSX2, MSX2+ and MSXturboR machines, with exception for the MSX2 Only PSG machine.

For the comfort of the users, the sample RAM is boosted to 256 Kb in all concerned generic machines.

The MSX-AUDIO BASIC is an addition to the MSX-BASIC, it allows to use easily MSX-AUDIO, but you must insert the Panasonic MSX-AUDIO cartridge in a slot to access to the new commands.

This part of the audio mixer shows only the MSX-AUDIO part of the Philips Music Module cartridge. If the MIDI part is used, then it will be displayed in the MIDI part of the audio mixer.


If you use a MSX1 machine or a C-BIOS machine, you must add a MSX Audio chip or Y8950 (without addition of a rom), in the Machine editor , then save the new machine, eventually under a new name; if you want to use the MSX-AUDIO BASIC, insert also a Panasonic MSX-AUDIO in a cartridge slot.


Many demos use at the same time MSX-AUDIO and MSX-MUSIC, what gives a stereo effect, that you can enhance by a fine tuning in the mixer

Some MSXturboR demos use at the same time MSX-AUDIO and PCM to produce a stereo effect, that you can also enhance in the mixer.

Hear only MSX-AUDIO

- de-select the other soundchips in the mixer

- if you hear nothing, then take a look below

Hear MSX-AUDIO in stead of other soundchips

- de-activate the MSX-MUSIC emulation and/or the MOONSOUND emulation in the Options/Sound menu

- use the MSX2 Only PSG machine after addition, in the Machine editor, of a MSX Audio chip and saving of the new machine, eventually under a new name; if you want to run a Compile game or diskstation or use the MSX-AUDIO BASIC, insert also a Panasonic MSX-AUDIO in a cartridge slot

To run a Compile disk game or diskstation and hear MSX-AUDIO, you can also use in blueMSX the following POKE without need to insert the Philips or the Toshiba MSX-AUDIO cartridge in a slot :
- start the emulated MSX with nothing in the slots and drives;
- when you are in MSX-BASIC, insert the Compile game or diskstation in drive A;
- type POKE -54,35:POKE&HF346,1:_SYSTEM and press on RETURN

MSX-AUDIO cartridges


The unmodified Japanese cartridge has a special switch that you can activate in the Options/Emulation menu :

- when the switch is selected, you access to the built-in firmware that is also available in the Toshiba cartridge;

- when the switch is not selected, you come in MSX-BASIC and can use the extended MSX-AUDIO BASIC (it's like the MSX-MUSIC BASIC but CALL MUSIC is replaced by CALL AUDIO and it contains also extra instructions for ADPCM samples and extern musical keyboard)

- from MSX-BASIC, you can start the firmware by using CALL SYNTHE if you don't have already used CALL AUDIO

This cartridge is normally required to get MSX-AUDIO in stead of MSX-MUSIC or PSG with some Compile games and diskstations, without using a special poke. In case of rom games, it's better to insert the Panasonic MSX-AUDIO in slot 1 and the game in slot 2.


The unmodified Dutch cartridge starts with the built-in firmare, unless you press on ESC when booting the emulated MSX machine.

From MSX-BASIC, you can start the firmware by using CALL MUSICBOX

If you use this cartridge to get MSX-AUDIO in stead of MSX-MUSIC or PSG with some Compile games and diskstations, you must normally proceed as following :
- start the emulated MSX with this cartridge in one slot and don't forget to press on ESC;
- insert the Compile game or diskstation in drive A;
- in MSX-BASIC, type POKE -54,35:POKE&HF346,1:_SYSTEM and press on RETURN

This special POKE can also be used in blueMSX without inserting the Philips cartridge or the Toshiba cartridge in a slot !


The unmodified Japanese cartridge starts with the built-in firmare, unless you press on ESC when booting the emulated MSX machine.

From MSX-BASIC, you can start the firmware by using CALL SYN

If you use this cartridge to get MSX-AUDIO in stead of MSX-MUSIC or PSG with some Compile games and diskstations, you must normally proceed as following :
- start the emulated MSX with this cartridge in one slot and don't forget to press on ESC;
- insert the Compile game or diskstation in drive A;
- in MSX-BASIC, type POKE -54,35:POKE&HF346,1:_SYSTEM and press on RETURN

This special POKE can also be used in blueMSX without inserting the Philips cartridge or the Toshiba cartridge in a slot !

MSX-AUDIO rom games

Only 3 MSX2 games in rom format can use MSX-AUDIO when you insert the Panasonic MSX-AUDIO cartridge in slot 1 and the game in slot 2 :

Family Stadium
Xevious - Fardraut Saga

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